Emerson Essay

Emersons title is on self reliance meaning relling on yourself or ones own power. The thesis to the essay is to prove that many people do not rely on them selves and the tone to his essay is serious. One example from the rssay is serious. One example from the essay that proves his thesis is. "Let a stotic open the resources of man and, tell men they are not leaning willows but can and must detach themselves; that with the exercise of the self trust, new power shall appear". One example in my life is when i let my self close when im in school or public areas but when im at home i detach my slef and im someone completely different. Emerseons diction to the essay is confusing to me because the way he words things are confusing same goes for the syntax. Emersons idea to detach yourself is helpful because by doing so it could maybe open up more opportunities to meet new people and help improve in school one last thing that was helpful was that by slef reliance you might learn great things about yourself.


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