Fahrenheit 451 Essay

In the book Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury is trying to figure out literature and how seeing things a different way has becomed such a bad things like in the book which is set in the future when you are seen reading a book people see you as strange and as a possible threat that is why books are burned and who ever is the owner is arrested. Baradbury is good at pointing out how people have lost interest in book one character that has a great impact in the book is montag he is shown as a firefighter who burns books and burns the house that they are found in. His life changes all of a sudden when he realizes how empty his life is and starts to find meaning in the books he is supposed to burn. One character that really impacted montags life was clarisse by becoming friends with Montag and showing him how to appriciate simple things in life changing him.

One thing that bradbury's predicted were massive life changers in the society we live in like the seashells which represent earbuds are a way of showing how we keep ourselfs in and not realize that we have so many things we could hear that could impact us more. Another things that show how books are not shown in schools is by a retired english teacher who realizes what the loss of books means to society. In the book montags change is dramatic Guy montag goes from being a regular guy with no worries to a rebelling murderer who knows book will help the society at the end of the book there is a big chase between montag and the cops and by the end of the chase the cops lie and say montag is dead this is said by the cops because people cannot know what happend with bradbery and had to keep it a secret.


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