
Showing posts from September, 2017

Vocab #3

coherent:  logical and consistent. belabor: argue or elaborate (a subject) in excessive detail. eschew: deliberately avoid using; abstain from. acquisitive: excessively interested in acquiring money or material things. emulate: match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation. banal: so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring. excoriation congeal: solidify or coagulate,  difficult to please; critical. especially by cooling. carping: difficult to please; critical. substantiate: provide evidence to support or prove the truth of. temporize: avoid making a decision or committing oneself in order to gain time. largesse: generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others. tenable: able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection. insatiable: impossible to satisfy. reconnaissance: military observation of a region to locate an enemy or ascertain strategic features. germane: relevant to a subject under consideration. ramify: form branches or offshoots

Vocabulary #2

faith :  complete trust or confidence in someone or something. threshold: a strip of wood, metal, or stone forming the bottom of a doorway and crossed in entering a house or room. tarry: of, like, or covered with tar. resolve: settle or find a solution to (a problem, dispute, or contentious matter). discern: perceive or recognize (something). martyr: a person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs. mirth : amusement, especially as expressed in laughter. catechism: a summary of the principles of Christian religion in the form of questions and answers, used for the instruction of Christians. pious: devoutly religious. frenzy  : a state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior.

My First Essay

                                       Technology has changed over the ages, and it has affected education. When students didn't have tablets or phones to research they would use books. Books are heavy and annoying books where the only things they could use for research. But now we have technology a new way to study talk to the world and learn new information.   Technology is also a way to express your feelings, and a way to entretain yourself. Another thing its used for is  share your thoughts on something. Back then people didn't express their feelings as much as the do now technology has a change so have we.